Tuesday, October 26, 2010

More Laughter

For all those who enjoyed the original belly laugh, here's "The Mirror Laugh." Enjoy!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Our Past Month

So every time I think it's been too long for me to bother writing another blog post (because surely everyone has given up on me), someone asks when the next post will come and I find myself shoving dirty dishes and incomplete freelance projects aside just to oblige. Well, not just to oblige. I rather like writing them and just need to feel like they're not a complete waste of time.

It's been about a month since my last post. In that time, we traveled back to Middle America for my sister's wedding. A new, fairly time-consuming freelance project (that will run through April) hit my inbox. I started babysitting my friend's 2 month old son. Evelyn started rolling over, laughing hysterically, croaking, humming, and talking to herself in general. And Craig ... well, Craig kept on doing what he does and then some. I worked until 11pm some nights and he picked up the slack with dishes, dinners, and errands. Hopefully, new projects have settled down, I've hit my groove, and our new babysitting arrangement will help me devote more time and attention to being a mother while still letting me make a bit of money.

Here's a photo recap to get everyone up to speed.

While in Middle America, we caught up with old friends (who had a baby exactly five days after we did!) and visited a real, live pumpkin patch. You know, the kind where they actually have pumpkins growing from the ground. Where there's corn mazes and squash sling shots and hay rides.

We helped my sister get ready for her wedding. (Isn't she beautiful?) Evelyn's shirt says "I heart my aunt." So sweet!

After the wedding, we posed for a family shot at the reception. This would be just about 15 minutes before all hell broke loose and Evelyn let everyone know just how tired, grumpy, and fed up with the whole thing she really was. She'd had it with that darn bow on her head, the strange people holding her, and the remarkably sound-proofed room we found to feed her in. She didn't smile again until she was back at Grammy and Grandpa's. (See below.)

Yep, that's right. Scream, scream, scream, get to Grammy and Granpa's, smile. Note how happy she is and how tired I am.

The next day, we loaded up the Suburban and met Craig's brother, his wife, and our two nephews at a pretty cool zoo. Evelyn was more interested in the camera than she was in the giraffe, but at least her admission was free.

The day after we landed back in Southern California, I started watching Evelyn's betrothed a few hours each week. Sure they look sweet and innocent here, but most of the time, if Evelyn isn't chewing on the poor guy's hand, she's throwing a fit watching me feed him. She has a lot to learn about how to win a guy's heart!