Thursday, April 28, 2011

Our Easter "Weekend"

I guess you could say our "Easter weekend" really started the weekend before Easter on Palm Sunday. The weather was great, the company amazing, and the park beautiful. Well, okay, the park left a few things to be desired. Set in "the big city," it was a bit dirty. But it's the great outdoors--there's supposed to be dirt! What were we doing in "the city," you ask? Our friends Richard and Sarah took us on a surprise road trip to this place: Galco's Soda Pop Stop! Over 500 different kinds of soda pop--many that can't be found anywhere else in the country! In this picture, I've got a botanically brewed Fentiman's Curiosity Cola with a good ginger taste. Sarah's enjoying a lavender soda and both the guys have fancy root beers. (And yes, as you can see, Evelyn enjoyed her "drink" too much to join us for the photo!)

After lunch, Craig got down and dirty with Little Bird. They tried the swings at the playground, but what can I say--they were too far away from Mama to suit her taste!

 My sister and her husband joined us for Easter weekend, proper. Their first night in town, we took them to the nearby dog beach.

 It was pretty overcast, but made for a nice sunset. Once you got upwind of the sea lion carcass, that is.
Saturday was Evelyn's first ever swim lesson! I wish I could find her suit in my size! I also wish she would have enjoyed her class more. She didn't like getting water in her face and ears--which was unexpected because she likes splashing bath and sea water.

 Swim class (which she did NOT like) was followed by her first ever trip to the aquarium (which she DID like). It took her awhile to get over her fear, but once she realized the big scary fishes were locked behind impenetrable glass, she warmed right up to them!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this would be the big scary fish that freaked her out by making eye contact. I was a little creeped out myself!

At the sea lion observation area. Thankfully, they were all alive! They liked swimming right past Evelyn put were too quick for the camera.
 Sea horses.

 And of course, a shot from Easter morning. We went to the sunrise service, which also meant we got stuck in a rain shower! But an Easter basket with a brand new baby doll was waiting for Evelyn when we got home. I think it made up for getting her face wet at the swim class.

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