So those of you who've been following my blog know that I was a little disgruntled with God at the start of the month. I felt I wasn't getting my proper "due" from a life's worth of tithing. I was selfish and pouting, throwing one of those temper tantrums my own daughter will soon enough be throwing.
Well, it is now the end of February and I am happy to say that I was fed every day of the past month and have been immensely blessed by all of your words of encouragement and prayers.
As I've said before, a lot of preachers like to promise people unexpected financial blessings when they tithe. This has not been the case in my life. And, frankly, it was not the case this month either. Yes, we received an extra $20 or so in my unemployment benefits check the day after tithing early this month; Craig was terribly excited but, again as I've said before, I was skeptical. Sure enough, when the mid-month check was due to arrive in the mail I received instead a notice that my benefits were being suspended until they could interview me at the end of the month. As I'd been planning to buy groceries with that mid-month check, this was slightly frightening.
But here's my praise report and what I want to share with everyone: God got us through this entire month on what I thought would only be two weeks' worth of food. I spent $98 on Jan. 31 for groceries and have only supplemented that twice since then, spending $20 at Albertson's a couple weeks ago and $12 at a farmer's market last Thursday. I remember a time when I would spend that amount on just one week's worth of food! I don't know how this happened. I truly feel like the widow in 1 Kings 17; she had only a handful of flour and oil but just as the Lord declared, "The jar of flour [was not] used up and the jug of oil [did not] run dry until the day the LORD [gave] rain on the land."
Craig's next paycheck arrives Friday. My interview with the unemployment office was yesterday and they've already notified me that my check is in the mail (silly me, I marked my freelance income as "freelance" instead of "self-employment;" now I know better). I'm already planning my grocery list and plan to hit the store first thing Friday morning!
All I can say is praise God--not only for providing this month but (more importantly) for showing me that I can trust Him to pull me through.
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