Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy 1 Month, Evelyn!

My little bird turns 1 month old today. Part of me finds it hard to believe she's that old already while another party of me can't believe my life has changed so much in such a short amount of time. Here are some highlights of the past month.

Saturday afternoon, after being told that the contractions I'd been having every five minutes for the past 16 hours weren't "real labor," my husband and I decided a walk along the beach might help either put a stop to things or speed things along. During our walk, we saw a group of dolphins swim by (but no, didn't grab a photo of them):

Around 3pm on Monday, May 31 (yes, those contractions that started Friday night were, indeed, the real thing and never did let up), the doctor decided a C-section was needed since the baby's heart rate dropped with each contraction. While I had an epidural to help me cope, Craig had only his nerves:

Our little bird was finally delivered at 4:18pm on May 31, weighed six pounds and 13 ounces, and was 19 inches long.

Evelyn's grammy from Kansas flew out at the last minute to be here:

In addition to going home, getting her first bath, and meeting the dogs, Evelyn Grace got all dolled up to celebrate Father's Day with a group of new and future dads who made all over her:

For her one month birthday, Evelyn's grammy is back in town and brought Grandpa and Aunt Kimberly along. Now, Evelyn just can't wait to meet her Papa and Nana for her very first Fourth of July!

1 comment:

  1. What a miracle! Isn't God good to bring such blessings to our lives
