Monday, April 12, 2010

The End of the Name Game

We had LOTS of guesses pouring in over the weekend. Everything from Canara and Sephora to Abigail and Emma. Quite a few of you guessed the correct name also, but the Big Win goes to Trina for guessing the right name first: Evelyn Grace.

Here's the Wikipedia definition of Evelyn:

"Evelyn" may come from the French name Aveline meaning "little bird". It can be traced back to the Germanic Ava (possibly meaning "desired") and the Latin avis ("bird"). Other possible sources are the Hebrew word meaning "light," or the Celtic meaning "life" or "life-giving".

As I said before, Craig prefers the definition "beautiful bird," which comes from

Anne was a popularly guessed middle name, and apparently means Gracious. And we had a few guesses of Aveline. Anyway, I didn't look up the meanings of all the names guessed, but I'm assuming most of them had some sort of birdy theme. Way to go, everyone! Hope you had as much fun with this as we did.


  1. Beautiful Name :)
    I'm sure it will fit her!

  2. WOOT WOOT WOOT!!!!!!! i can't help it! i love winning!!! it's a cute name!!! (it took quite a bit of work:) thanks for the challenge!)

  3. I LOVE the name! I didn't miss it this time!!! YAY!! Thanks for sharing! Now you'll get some personalized gifts! I can't wait to meet little Evelyn Grace! That was fun!!
