Sunday, July 18, 2010

The saga continues ...

We do our best. We carefully note what time Evelyn eats. We lay her on her brand new Baby Einstein floor gym (complete with motion-activated music and lights); we shake rattles to the side of her head to make her eyes track; we lay her down for naps after an hour and half of wakefulness. In the evenings, we bathe her and massage lotion all over her body; we wrap her in footed pajamas and read to her from a book; we use two nursery nightlights (one with music and moving animals); we give her gas drops and vitamin drops; we swaddle her; we unswaddle her; we rock her in our arms while making up words to what we think are lullaby tunes; and, finally, we bring her out to snuggle with us on the couch until 11pm or so, at which time we feed her again, sing and rock her in our arms again, turn on the Twilight Turtle, and (this time FINALLY) watch her drift peacefully off to sleep.

We try to limit her late afternoon napping and we try to wake her at a reasonable early hour, but for whatever reason Little Bird does not want to go to sleep at her 9pm bedtime. We've been told it's gas. We've been told it's her afternoon napping schedule. We've been told she just wants to be with us. We've been told we've spoiled her. Who knows? Regardless, Craig and I have decided we don't particularly care if she gets held until 11pm. Yes, we'd rather she went to sleep at 9pm. Yes, we care about her learning to put herself to sleep; yes, we're worried that we're creating a future 2 year old tyrant. But "letting her cry it out" isn't working. We tried that. She cried so long, the next thing we knew it was time to feed her again. And no, she doesn't cry when we lay her down for naps in the middle of the day.

What all this means is that little Evelyn has had her first Star Wars experience! Since she won't sleep until almost midnight, and since Craig and I have been watching the Star Wars saga this past week, she has gotten to fall asleep on Craig's belly while listening to that unmistakable sound track:

da da da daaaa dum da da da daaaa dum da da da daaaa dum da da da dum....

Maybe that's what we should try next: a Star Wars soundtrack lullaby CD!


  1. Babies cannot be spoiled! Who told you such a thing? They only know for some reason they are unhappy and someone either is or is not there to help them! Give them confidence and security by letting them know you are there--even if you just dont get what the bawling is all about!

  2. I Googled LittleBird Evelyn Grace (my daughter and her nickname)and found your site! Too cute! It is so funny that there is another Little Bird out there. We call her Heavy Evie because of her weight.

