Monday, July 26, 2010

Two Months!

It's amazing what changes in eight weeks. And no, I'm not talking about what changes in babies.

No, what I'm talking about is the change from a clean, orderly home to one littered with damp burp cloths and various pieces of baby furniture--the bouncer, the soon-to-be-outgrown Moses basket, and the still-unused highchair. The change from actually drying and putting away dishes to letting them air dry for 24 hours before putting them away and washing the next batch. The realization that going to the movies can no longer be a last-minute decision on a lazy Sunday afternoon but must be planned out days in advance--a babysitter must be arranged, emergency contact list filled out, and milk provided.

I've begun speaking in the 3rd person and altered my already-mild expletives: "Stink! Mama has spit-up all down her shirt." My baby does not crap or even poop. She "poos" and her diaper is full of "poo." My husband and I have left off debating how Calvinistic election works and instead argue over what to call the pacifier and even over the need to call the pacifier anything other than "pacifier." (Mama's tired of coming up with cutesy names for everything.)

But these changes are not bad and could even be called beautiful. Mama might even say the cluttered house is more beautiful than the clean one she once tried (rather unsuccessfully, to be honest) to keep clean. And, of course, the changes wrought in Little Evelyn Grace these past 8 weeks have been extraordinary, as can be seen from these photos:

Evelyn Grace 3 days old

Evelyn Grace 8 weeks old.

1 comment:

  1. ah i love the updates!!! cute pictures!!!!! I'm glad you guys are doing well and enjoying life.
