Friday, July 9, 2010

Taking an Artistic Turn

The first "normal" day of motherhood after saying goodbye to all our guests wasn't a very restful one. After waking up for her 10am feeding, Evelyn decided she didn't want to take any more naps that day. I think she was too excited about her new tree to sleep and stayed up all day waiting for Auntie D to get off work so we could start painting.

I'd picked out a tree design that I liked but needed D for her perfectionist artistic sensibilities (I don't have the patience to go slooowly smoothing out rough paint edges). So when she got here, she drew the design onto the wall in pencil, asking me the whole time if it was the right size, placement, etc. We ended up washing the pencil off and starting over again to make it a little smaller. But once D had the drawing finished, we were able to start painting it in!

And, okay, we may have goofed off a bit too.

But we still had it finished by 1am and felt pretty good about ourselves. (Though this picture doesn't show it very well, the branches are pink and the birds/flowers are white.)

And, of course, Evelyn cried throughout the whole 5.5 hr process. Which means she was up pretty much the whole time from 10am Thursday until 1am Friday. Thankfully, once Auntie D left and things quieted down a bit in our household, she fell right asleep. Unfortunately, Craig somehow messed up the alarm clock so that she didn't wake again until 7am. Which means she went eight hours between her 11pm feeding and her 7am feeding. She seemed perfectly content when I woke her at 7am but I feel bad all the same. Not sure a 5 week old is supposed to go 8 hours without food. Guess she was tired. But with this amazing new place to sleep, who can blame her for not wanting to wake up?

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